The myth of the empty land

a study in the history and archaeology of Judah during the "exilic" period

av (forfatter).

Universitetsforlaget 1996 Innbundet

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This book takes as its starting point the former common belief that the land of Judah was in ruins and uninhabited between 586 and 538 BCE. Archaeological excavations have demonstrated beyond doubt the continued existence of a considerable Israelite material culture during the exilic and postexilic periods. By combining archaeological, Biblical and Babylonian sources, it is argued that Judah constituted a small, but important wheel in the economic machinery of the Neo-Babylonian empire. Contains bibliography and indexes of subjects and texts referred to.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book takes as its starting point the former common belief that the land of Judah was in ruins and uninhabited between 586 and 538 BCE. Archaeological excavations have demonstrated beyond doubt the continued existence of a considerable Israelite material culture during the exilic and postexilic periods. By combining archaeological, Biblical and Babylonian sources, it is argued that Judah constituted a small, but important wheel in the economic machinery of the Neo-Babylonian empire. Contains bibliography and indexes of subjects and texts referred to.


Forlag Universitetsforlaget

Utgivelsesår 1996

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788200227564

EAN 9788200227564

Serie Symbolae Osloenses fasc.supplet (28)

Omtalt sted Midtøsten

Språk Engelsk

Sider 113

Utgave 1

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