The Musical World of Robert Schumann, A Selection from Shumann's Own Writings

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Victor Gollancz Unknown Binding

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Forlag Victor Gollancz

Format Unknown Binding

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Every age has a secret society of congenial spirits. Draw the circle tighter, you who belong to one another, that the truth of art may shine ever more clearly, spreading joy and blessings everywhere!

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

"Only the second movement,speaking to us in such touching tones,I cannot pass over in silence,espesially that passage Where a horn is heard as from a distanse.It seems to come from another sphere.Her everything listens,as if a heavenly spirit were wandering through the orchestra.The symphony made an effect here like that of none other since Beethoven's.Artist and art-lovers were united in its praise.From the master who had so carefully prepared it I heard words which I should have liked to pass on to Schubert as the ultimate in joyous tidings.It may be years before the symphoni establishes itself in Germany.That it will be forgotten or overlooked one need not to fear.It bears within it the seed of eternal youth."

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