The most beautiful villages of Spain

av (forfatter) og Hugh Palmer (illustratør).

Thames and Hudson 2003 Innbundet

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Profiles of over 30 village gems make up the four main sections of this book. From Galicia to the Basque country in the north lie picturesque fishing villages. Patient exploration of the heart of the country reveals such delights as Pedraza's arcaded square seen against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains. In the east, the whitewashed houses of Cadaques have become famous as an artists' colony, while El Palmar is renowned for its paella. And in the villages of Andalucia, like Medina Sidonia, are the remains of the Moorish civilization of southern Spain. Like all the volumes in this series, the book is completed by listings of places to stay and eat, and sights to visit.

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Profiles of over 30 village gems make up the four main sections of this book. From Galicia to the Basque country in the north lie picturesque fishing villages. Patient exploration of the heart of the country reveals such delights as Pedraza's arcaded square seen against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains. In the east, the whitewashed houses of Cadaques have become famous as an artists' colony, while El Palmar is renowned for its paella. And in the villages of Andalucia, like Medina Sidonia, are the remains of the Moorish civilization of southern Spain. Like all the volumes in this series, the book is completed by listings of places to stay and eat, and sights to visit.


Forlag Thames and Hudson

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780500511282

EAN 9780500511282

Omtalt sted Spania

Språk Engelsk

Sider 208

Utgave 1

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