The moment she was gone

av (forfatter).

Orion 2004 Heftet

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Andy Gulliver is awakened by a phone call from his mother, who says that his twin sister, Annie, is gone. It's not the first time Annie has taken off for parts unknown. Since she was 16, she's traveled the world collecting body piercings, Tantric sex practices, and wild stories, returning home on a whim and leaving again just as suddenly. Only this time, it is different. A doctor has diagnosed Annie as schizophrenic. For Andy, facing the thruth about his twin means looking at himself, his family, their collective secrets, and their shared denial. Andy must find his sister while piercing together their entwined past, before Annie hurts herself or someone else.

Omtale fra forlaget

Andy Gulliver is awakened by a phone call from his mother, who says that his twin sister, Annie, is gone. It's not the first time Annie has taken off for parts unknown. Since she was 16, she's traveled the world collecting body piercings, Tantric sex practices, and wild stories, returning home on a whim and leaving again just as suddenly. Only this time, it is different. A doctor has diagnosed Annie as schizophrenic. For Andy, facing the thruth about his twin means looking at himself, his family, their collective secrets, and their shared denial. Andy must find his sister while piercing together their entwined past, before Annie hurts herself or someone else.


Forlag Orion

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780752859040

EAN 9780752859040

Genre Spenning

Omtalt sted Nordøstlige Stater

Språk Engelsk

Sider 213

Utgave 1

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