The Messiah Conspiracy - The Race To Clone Jesus Christ


Previously called "Crown of Thorns"

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Lilyhill Top 10 Christian Suspense Medical Thriller Press 2013 Kindle Edition

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Forlag Lilyhill Top 10 Christian Suspense Medical Thriller Press

Utgivelsesår 2013

Format Kindle Edition

Språk Engelsk

Sider 236

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This is Book Two of a two part series. Book One is currently FREE so download it now!

Please note: This book was previously published as 'Crown of Thorns'
For all thriller fans, but especially for fans of Dan Brown, Sam Bourne, Scott Mariani and John Lyman!
Crown of Thorns is a fictional thriller which takes place in the field of genetics and human cloning.

Hugely controversial, you will either love this book or hate it. Some will feel challenged and uncomfortable by the topic it deals with, and others will be drawn into it and unable to put it down... the question is, what will you think?

A young student at Oxford University has an idea for his doctor’s thesis (Ph.D.), which fulfils not only the criteria for ‘originality’, but goes far beyond it. For if Jason Dyke is right, his idea will soon change the world and shift the delicate balance of power from one nation to another.

Jason’s idea is simple: In the genetics laboratory at Oxford University, he will clone Jesus Christ.

But when the CIA finds out about his plan, the President of America realises that if the UK succeeds, the balance of power will shift from the USA to Europe. And he decides that the only way to stop this happening is for America to create its very own clone of Jesus Christ.

The race is on...

Whoever reads this book will never forget it. And they will ask….one of two questions:-

1: Is it really possible?

2: When will it happen?

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