The Maracot Deep (Annotated) (Dragonwell Classics)

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Dragonwell Publishing 2012 Kindle Edition

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Forlag Dragonwell Publishing

Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Kindle Edition

Språk Engelsk

Sider 100

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"The task of the pioneer has always been to disprove the thing which has been clearly shown."

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

"It is at such times, when we are in the immediate presence of death,that the great primitive passions float to the surface and submerge all our lesser emotions. It was only at that moment that I knew that I loved my gentle companion, loved her with all my heart and soul, loved her with a love which was rooted deep down and was part of my very self. How strange a thing is a love like that! How impossible to analyse! It was not for her face or her figure, lovely as they were. It was not for her voice, though it was more musical than any I have ever known, nor was it for mental communion, since I could only learn her thoughts from her sensitive ever-changing face. No, it was something at the back of her dark dreamy eyes, something in the very depths of her soul as of mine which made us mates for all time."

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"The brute and the brain are surely the most dangerous of all combinations."

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"The lesson which we carry from their rise and their fall is that the greates danger which can come to a state is when its intellect outruns its soul. It destroyed this old civilization, and it may yet be the ruin of our own."

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"Oh, mortals, never pray to be delivered from death. It may seem terrible, but eternal life is infinitely more so. To go on and on and on while the endless procession of humanity goes past you. To sit ever at the wayside of history and to see it go, ever moving onwards and leaving you behind."

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