The little book of mindfulness

10 minutes a day to less stress, more peace

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2015 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 5.00 (2 terningkast.)

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"Everyone should read this. Mindfulness is such a great way to live life to the full." - Amazon Customer "The greatest 'little book' ever! Take my advice, buy it now and you will wonder how you ever managed without it!" - Amazon Customer "Patrizia Collard's depth of experience as a teacher and practitioner shines through. I love this little book!" - Amazon Customer "Great book to pick up if you just have a few minutes a day." - Amazon Customer "I carry it with me everywhere. Lovely little calming book." - Amazon Customer "Delightful little book." - Amazon CustomerMindfulness is the easy way to gently let go of stress and be in the moment. It has fast become the slow way to manage the modern world - without chanting mantras or setting aside hours of time for meditation.Dr Patrizia Collard will show you how to bring simple 5- and 10-minute practices into your day in order to free yourself from stress and, ultimately, find more peace in your life.This beautifully illustrated book will set you and your family on the road of mindfulness so you can lead a more mindful, peaceful and relaxed life. Find long-lasting happiness with The Little Book of Mindfulness!CONTENTS:1. Being in the Now2. Accept and Respond3. Making Your Mind Up4. Simply Be5. Mindful Eating6. Gratitude and Compassion7. Everyday Mindfulness


Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781856753531

EAN 9781856753531

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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