The lies of George W. Bush

mastering the politics of deception

av (forfatter).

Crown Publ. 2003 Innbundet

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In this indictment of the president and his inner circle David Corn reveals and examines the deceptions at the heart of the Bush presidency. He details and substantiates the many times Bush has knowingly and intentionally misled the American public to advance its own interests and agenda. Corn explains how Bush has managed to get away with it and explores the dangerous consequences of such presidential deceit in a perilous age.

Omtale fra forlaget

In this indictment of the president and his inner circle David Corn reveals and examines the deceptions at the heart of the Bush presidency. He details and substantiates the many times Bush has knowingly and intentionally misled the American public to advance its own interests and agenda. Corn explains how Bush has managed to get away with it and explores the dangerous consequences of such presidential deceit in a perilous age.


Forlag Crown Publ.

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781400050666

EAN 9781400050666

Omtalt tid 2000-tallet

Omtalt sted USA

Omtalt person George W. Bush

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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