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Winner of the Costa Book of the Year 2015, The Lie Tree is a dark and powerful novel from universally acclaimed author, Frances Hardinge. It was not enough. All knowledge- any knowledge - called to Faith, and there was a delicious, poisonous pleasure in stealing it unseen. Faith has a thirst for science and secrets that the rigid confines of her class cannot supress. And so it is that she discovers her disgraced father's journals, filled with the scribbled notes and theories of a man driven close to madness. Tales of a strange tree which, when told a lie, will uncover a truth: the greater the lie, the greater the truth revealed to the liar. Faith's search for the tree leads her into great danger - for where lies seduce, truths shatter ...'Brilliant, dark, thrilling, utterly original' Patrick Ness 'The Lie Tree is a wonder. I can't think of anyone who would not love this story' Matt Haig 'I loved this book so much' Lucy Mangan 'Complex and intelligent: a lustrous, delicious romp.' Philip Womack, The Telegraph


Utgivelsesår 2016

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781509832651

EAN 9781509832651

Genre Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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