The last time I saw Paris

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Coronet Books 2002 Heftet

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Lara Lewis's marriage is fizzling. Her surgeon husband is far too busy for her, too busy even to go on their long-planned second honeymoon to France, and Lara suspects that he's backed out of it because he's found another woman to replace her. Then she meets Dan Holland, earthy, unsophisticated, California-handsome and a good guy, and takes him on the second honeymoon that was meant to have saved her marriage. Except that Dan doesn't know this. Trouble comes when the lover finds out he is the stand-in for her husband on the second honeymoon, and then her husband shows up in Paris and wants her back

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Lara Lewis's marriage is fizzling. Her surgeon husband is far too busy for her, too busy even to go on their long-planned second honeymoon to France, and Lara suspects that he's backed out of it because he's found another woman to replace her. Then she meets Dan Holland, earthy, unsophisticated, California-handsome and a good guy, and takes him on the second honeymoon that was meant to have saved her marriage. Except that Dan doesn't know this. Trouble comes when the lover finds out he is the stand-in for her husband on the second honeymoon, and then her husband shows up in Paris and wants her back


Forlag Coronet Books

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780340822050

EAN 9780340822050

Genre Romantikk

Språk Engelsk

Sider 312

Utgave 1

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