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An old Spanish historical mystery awakens the interest of a journalist, a retired psychic spy of a Top Secret US Air Force programme, and several cardinals in Rome. Its solution is linked to a Sixteenth Century nun, who was accused by the Spanish Inquisition of travelling more than 500 times to the New Mexico territories using her power to bilocate (to be in more than two places at the same time). The novel is based on a famous US Southwestern legend that a strange Lady in Blue appeared to the Native Americans, informing them of the arrival of the first conquistadores. The conquistadores initially believed she was the Virgin of Guadalupe - but the truth is far more surprising

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An old Spanish historical mystery awakens the interest of a journalist, a retired psychic spy of a Top Secret US Air Force programme, and several cardinals in Rome. Its solution is linked to a Sixteenth Century nun, who was accused by the Spanish Inquisition of travelling more than 500 times to the New Mexico territories using her power to bilocate (to be in more than two places at the same time). The novel is based on a famous US Southwestern legend that a strange Lady in Blue appeared to the Native Americans, informing them of the arrival of the first conquistadores. The conquistadores initially believed she was the Virgin of Guadalupe - but the truth is far more surprising


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781847370808

EAN 9781847370808

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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