The irresistible inheritance of wilberforce

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2008 Heftet

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This is a novel that tells its story back to front, whose main character we meet when he is down on his luck, in his local French restaurant drowning his sorrows in the depths of two bottles of vintage Petrus. It hasn't taken all that long for Wilberforce, as we will only know him, to reach this point, and we see it, almost in slow motion, from the moment it begins, that one fateful day when he takes an unexpected detour into the country when he is driving home on a twilight evening. He drives along a lane beside a high stone wall, towards a house which had been signposted from the main road.

Omtale fra forlaget

This is a novel that tells its story back to front, whose main character we meet when he is down on his luck, in his local French restaurant drowning his sorrows in the depths of two bottles of vintage Petrus. It hasn't taken all that long for Wilberforce, as we will only know him, to reach this point, and we see it, almost in slow motion, from the moment it begins, that one fateful day when he takes an unexpected detour into the country when he is driving home on a twilight evening. He drives along a lane beside a high stone wall, towards a house which had been signposted from the main road.


Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780753824603

EAN 9780753824603

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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