The illustrated directory of swords & sabres

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2014 Heftet

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This broad-ranging work examines all edged weapons, featuring more than 400 examples from around the world. From the swords and spears of ancient Egypt to the pike and thrusting polearms of medieval Europe, and from the slashing sabres of the 17th century cavalry, to the presentation and dress swords used for show, pomp and civil ceremonies in the 1900s. Including not only all types of swords, but also polearms, pikes, lances and spears, this comprehensive volume also offers information on African, Chinese, Sri Lankan, Indian and South-east Asian weapons. This book is an indispensable resource for the keen enthusiast and serious collector alike, while the detailed, close up photographs of each entry will delight anyone with an interest in the conflicts, warriors and weapons that have been a part of every age, in every part of the world, throughout human history.


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781844769865

EAN 9781844769865

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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