The great secret

mysteries of Osiris 4

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2007 Heftet

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Unrecognisable, the Herald is hiding at the very heart of Abydos. With his accomplices, he is preparing to commit the supreme crime. By bringing death into the kingdom in order to prevent the resurrection of Osiris, he will at last be able to overthrow Pharaoh Senusret, seize power and spread his evil doctrine far and wide. Will Iker manage to fulfil his mission, to celebrate the mysteries of Osiris? Will the priestess Isis bring her Quest for the Impossible to a successful conclusion? And can death really be overcome? After 40 years spent fervently studying the doctrines of Ancient Egypt, Christian Jacq closes the series by revealing the Great Secret of resurrection. This mystery was at the very centre of Egyptian thought and pharaonic civilisation, and is the key to a modern understanding of Ancient Egyptian life.

Omtale fra forlaget

Unrecognisable, the Herald is hiding at the very heart of Abydos. With his accomplices, he is preparing to commit the supreme crime. By bringing death into the kingdom in order to prevent the resurrection of Osiris, he will at last be able to overthrow Pharaoh Senusret, seize power and spread his evil doctrine far and wide. Will Iker manage to fulfil his mission, to celebrate the mysteries of Osiris? Will the priestess Isis bring her Quest for the Impossible to a successful conclusion? And can death really be overcome? After 40 years spent fervently studying the doctrines of Ancient Egypt, Christian Jacq closes the series by revealing the Great Secret of resurrection. This mystery was at the very centre of Egyptian thought and pharaonic civilisation, and is the key to a modern understanding of Ancient Egyptian life.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780743492263

EAN 9780743492263

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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