The great olympic swindle

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2000 Innbundet

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Boken forteller om korrupsjon og organisert kriminalitet som forekommer innen Den internasjonale olympiske komite, IOC. Har stikkordregister.

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Caught taking bribes from cities bidding for the Games, the old men who run the Olympics promised to change. Andrew Jennings, the British journalist who first exposed Olympic corruption and the Olympic President's fascist past in two bestselling books, didn't believe their speedy conversion. He kept on digging and what he found amazed him. Using the old men's secret battle plans, The Great Olympic Swindle reveals how the spin doctors who told us tobacco wasn't dangerous, worked their magic for an old fascist and his cronies, outwitting governments and the press.
With leaked files from the FBI and the KGB, the book tells the astonishing story of how organised crime families have moved into the Olympic family. A close business and personal associate of the IOC president is revealed as the bagman who channelled $ 40 million in bribes from President Mitterand to Germany's Chancellor Kohl. And we go inside the White House to witness a secret meeting where a senior IOC figure begged Clinton's top adviser to halt pressure for reform.
A narrative of human drama, weakness and strength, The Great Olympic Swindle shows the old men at their greediest, demanding money, sex, sweetheart business deals. and fawning flattery, wherever they go.
And meet the true Olympic heroes - Nagano's radical nun, Atlanta's poverty activist - the little people with courage to resist the swindlers. We meet the athletes who won Olympic glory for themselves, the risked it all to give back the Games to the world.


Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780684866772

EAN 9780684866772

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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