The great lion hunt

the maasai, the savannah and a colonial legacy

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Melhus Communication 2023 Innbundet

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The Great Lion Hunt is a vibrant encounter with the Maasai in Kenya - their old stories and their new reality. For generations, the cattle nomads have lived in harmony with antelopes and predators. The lions and the Maasai both belong on the savannah, but do they have a future together there?
The narratives artfully intertwine the ancient lore of the lion, Kenya's colonial past, its fight for independence and the challenges of tourism and neocolonialism. The author himself has been involved in safari operations in Maasai Mara and is familiar with its opportunities and curses. He was encouraged to write this book by an el derly Maasai leader who has lived through the British invasion, the loss of land to European settlers and the more recent influx of safari tourists.
The book offers a riveting illustrated travel tale. Read- ers journey through the vast expanse of the savannah, delving deep into the Maasai's pivotal role in conserving Earth's remaining majestic creatures.


Forlag Melhus Communication

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788293130192

EAN 9788293130192

Omtalt sted Kenya

Språk Engelsk

Sider 238

Utgave 1

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