The good wife

av (forfatter).

Penguin 2003 Heftet

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Fanny Savage has always been the dutiful wife. Married to Will, a politician with big ambitions, her life is a whirlwind of public engagements. Bound by loyalty to the party, she is required to look good and remain silent. But Fanny is no fool. She's well aware that the world outside her privileged home is one that seethes with despair, danger, division and lack of faith. She knows how fragile happiness can be. After twenty years of marriage and self-sacrifice, she begins to question her own concepts of fulfilment. Was being the good wife worth it, after all?

Omtale fra forlaget

Fanny Savage has always been the dutiful wife. Married to Will, a politician with big ambitions, her life is a whirlwind of public engagements. Bound by loyalty to the party, she is required to look good and remain silent. But Fanny is no fool. She's well aware that the world outside her privileged home is one that seethes with despair, danger, division and lack of faith. She knows how fragile happiness can be. After twenty years of marriage and self-sacrifice, she begins to question her own concepts of fulfilment. Was being the good wife worth it, after all?


Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141013145

EAN 9780141013145

Språk Engelsk

Sider 304

Utgave 1

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