The garden book

Phaidon Press 2003 Heftet

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This book presents a diverse range of garden and landscape designers responsible for some of the most interesting and iconic gardens of all time from around the world. Gardens of Ancient Persia, the Moguls of India, and the palaces of Chinese Emperors sit side by side with contemporary gardens from the USA, Europe and Australia. This volume presents 500 designers in an A-Z format that departs from the usual emphasis on genres and time periods, encouraging readers to contemplate the connections between gardens, social history and popular culture.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book presents a diverse range of garden and landscape designers responsible for some of the most interesting and iconic gardens of all time from around the world. Gardens of Ancient Persia, the Moguls of India, and the palaces of Chinese Emperors sit side by side with contemporary gardens from the USA, Europe and Australia. This volume presents 500 designers in an A-Z format that departs from the usual emphasis on genres and time periods, encouraging readers to contemplate the connections between gardens, social history and popular culture.


Forlag Phaidon Press

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780714843551

EAN 9780714843551

Språk Engelsk

Sider 519

Utgave 1

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