The flirt

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2007 Heftet

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A delicious romantic comedy from the bestselling author of Elegance 'Unique situation available for attractive, well mannered, reasonably educated young man.Hours irregular. Pay generous. Discretion a must.' In a small office in Half Moon Street, Hughie Venables-Smythe discovers the world of the professional flirt. A timeless art, it can save a marriage or lift a heart faster than any therapy. Letitia Vane runs a bespoke lingerie shop in Belgravia and understands just how to make women feel beautiful. But she cannot let her guard down and fall in love, least of all with Hughie. Olivia Bourgault de Coudray is in an unhappy marriage to a very wealthy man. When a series of beautiful notecards begins to appear, with intriguing clues handwritten on each, her interest is piqued. But the same clues are being delivered to Letitia. Who is flirting with whom? And is flirtation as innocent as it seems -- or can it lead to far more dangerous territories of the heart?

Omtale fra forlaget

A delicious romantic comedy from the bestselling author of Elegance `Unique situation available for attractive, well mannered, reasonably educated young man.Hours irregular. Pay generous. Discretion a must.' In a small office in Half Moon Street, Hughie Venables-Smythe discovers the world of the professional flirt. A timeless art, it can save a marriage or lift a heart faster than any therapy. Letitia Vane runs a bespoke lingerie shop in Belgravia and understands just how to make women feel beautiful. But she cannot let her guard down and fall in love, least of all with Hughie. Olivia Bourgault de Coudray is in an unhappy marriage to a very wealthy man. When a series of beautiful notecards begins to appear, with intriguing clues handwritten on each, her interest is piqued. But the same clues are being delivered to Letitia. Who is flirting with whom? And is flirtation as innocent as it seems - or can it lead to far more dangerous territories of the heart?


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007215386

EAN 9780007215386

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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