The Five

The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper

av (forfatter).

Doubleday 2019 Innbundet

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Forlag Doubleday

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780857524485

Språk Engelsk

Sider 432

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They are worth more to us than the empty human shells we have taken them for: they were children who cried for their mothers; they were young women who fell in love; they endured childbirth and the deaths of parents; they laughed and celebrated Christmas. They argued with their siblings, they wept, they dreamed, they hurt, they enjoyed small triumphs. The courses their lives took mirrored that of so many other women of the Victorian age, and yet were so singular in the way they ended. It is for them that I write this book. I do so in the hope that we may now hear their stories clearly and give back to them that which was so brutally taken away with their lives: their dignity.

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