The encyclopedia of combat techniques

av (forfatter) og Will Fowler (forfatter).

Silverdale books 2002 Innbundet

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An exhaustive analysis of the full rang of combat techniques taught to the modern soldier in both standard and elite regiments. Including 50 different combat techniques from knife fighting, using assault rifles and booby traps to sniping, combat parachuting and tracking. Featuring real-life examples drawn from the history of military warfare. Illustrated with 200 black-and-white photographs and illustrations. With glossary and index.

Omtale fra forlaget

An exhaustive analysis of the full rang of combat techniques taught to the modern soldier in both standard and elite regiments. Including 50 different combat techniques from knife fighting, using assault rifles and booby traps to sniping, combat parachuting and tracking. Featuring real-life examples drawn from the history of military warfare. Illustrated with 200 black-and-white photographs and illustrations. With glossary and index.


Forlag Silverdale books

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781856056908

EAN 9781856056908

Språk Engelsk

Sider 256

Utgave 1

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