The Echelon vendetta

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2007 Heftet

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

This is a highly original and chillingly suspenseful journey through the darkest alleys of international espionage. Micah Dalton isn't paid to ask questions. He's a "cleaner," a CIA fixer sent in to mop up the mess when an agent or situation goes bad. But when his close friend and colleague Porter Naumann turns up dead in an idyllic hill town in Tuscany, victim of an apparent suicide, Dalton's curiosity gets the best of him. Other hard-nosed ex-CIA field men are found butchered across the globe and Dalton soon finds himself on the trail of a sadistic killer, who has a penchant for intricate knifework and Native American mysticism. The murders appear to be acts of retribution, but for what? The only link between the victims seems to be a global surveillance operation called Echelon.Dalton's search for answers takes him from the fog-shrouded mazes of Venice to the beautiful big-sky country of the American West. At every turn he comes one step closer to discovering the truth behind the truth, a conspiracy so closely guarded that even suspecting it exists could prove fatal.

Omtale fra forlaget

This is a highly original and chillingly suspenseful journey through the darkest alleys of international espionage. Micah Dalton isn't paid to ask questions. He's a "cleaner," a CIA fixer sent in to mop up the mess when an agent or situation goes bad. But when his close friend and colleague Porter Naumann turns up dead in an idyllic hill town in Tuscany, victim of an apparent suicide, Dalton's curiosity gets the best of him. Other hard-nosed ex-CIA field men are found butchered across the globe and Dalton soon finds himself on the trail of a sadistic killer, who has a penchant for intricate knifework and Native American mysticism. The murders appear to be acts of retribution, but for what? The only link between the victims seems to be a global surveillance operation called Echelon.Dalton's search for answers takes him from the fog-shrouded mazes of Venice to the beautiful big-sky country of the American West. At every turn he comes one step closer to discovering the truth behind the truth, a conspiracy so closely guarded that even suspecting it exists could prove fatal.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141025636

EAN 9780141025636

Genre Agenter og spioner

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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