The druid king

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Time Warner paperbacks 2004 Heftet

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By 60 BC the Romans had conquered much of the known world, for few dared to oppose the relentless expansion of the Republic, and those who did, failed. And now Julius Caesar has turned his attention to the invasion of Gaul. Victory there will give him the power he craves - but one man stands against him: Vercingetorix. Vercingetorix knows that the people of Gaul must fight, or else face the destruction of their culture and enslavement to another. Yet few at first believe that Vercingetorix can unite the divided tribes of Gaul, fewer still that he can lead them on to victory. But as the legions battle for survival Caesar soon realises that this time Rome may be fighting a war it cannot win.

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By 60 BC the Romans had conquered much of the known world, for few dared to oppose the relentless expansion of the Republic, and those who did, failed. And now Julius Caesar has turned his attention to the invasion of Gaul. Victory there will give him the power he craves - but one man stands against him: Vercingetorix. Vercingetorix knows that the people of Gaul must fight, or else face the destruction of their culture and enslavement to another. Yet few at first believe that Vercingetorix can unite the divided tribes of Gaul, fewer still that he can lead them on to victory. But as the legions battle for survival Caesar soon realises that this time Rome may be fighting a war it cannot win.


Forlag Time Warner paperbacks

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780751535303

EAN 9780751535303

Genre Historisk litteratur

Omtalt tid Antikken

Omtalt sted Romerriket

Språk Engelsk

Sider 564

Utgave 1

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