The drowning tree

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Ballantine Books 2004 Innbundet

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The stained glass window in Penrose College is Augustus Penrose's legacy to the university he founded for the education of the daughters of the women who worked in his factory, the Rose Glass Works. Depicting his wife, Eugenie, as the Lady of Shallot, it's a mesmerising portrait that has come to embody the spirit of the school itself. But now, eighty years after it was created, the Lady Window, is due for restoration. The task falls to former alumna Juno McKay, who's restoring it in conjunction with her friend, Christine Webb, an art historian who is researching the window for her thesis. Christine seems to have discovered some new evidence that points to Eugenie's sister, Clare, being the subject for the Lady in the Window. But this is controversial, and before Christine can expound on her idea to Juno, she's found, dead, in the lake. But was she drowned, or was it something more sinister? What other legacies have the Penroses bequeathed to the students at their college?

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The stained glass window in Penrose College is Augustus Penrose's legacy to the university he founded for the education of the daughters of the women who worked in his factory, the Rose Glass Works. Depicting his wife, Eugenie, as the Lady of Shallot, it's a mesmerising portrait that has come to embody the spirit of the school itself. But now, eighty years after it was created, the Lady Window, is due for restoration. The task falls to former alumna Juno McKay, who's restoring it in conjunction with her friend, Christine Webb, an art historian who is researching the window for her thesis. Christine seems to have discovered some new evidence that points to Eugenie's sister, Clare, being the subject for the Lady in the Window. But this is controversial, and before Christine can expound on her idea to Juno, she's found, dead, in the lake. But was she drowned, or was it something more sinister? What other legacies have the Penroses bequeathed to the students at their college?


Forlag Ballantine Books

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780345462114

EAN 9780345462114

Genre Thrillere

Omtalt sted Nordøstlige Stater

Språk Engelsk

Sider 339

Utgave 1

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