The distance between us

av (forfatter).

Review 2004 Heftet

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On a cold London afternoon, Stella encounters a man she has not seen for many years, whose face she instantly recognises. Or thinks she does. At the same moment, in Hong Kong, Jake realises that the crowd around him, celebrating Chinese New Year, is about to turn dangerous. They know nothing of each other's existence, but both flee their lives: Jake in search of a place so remote it doesn't appear on any map, and Stella for a destination in Scotland, the significance of which only her sister, Nina, will understand.

Omtale fra forlaget

On a cold London afternoon, Stella encounters a man she has not seen for many years, whose face she instantly recognises. Or thinks she does. At the same moment, in Hong Kong, Jake realises that the crowd around him, celebrating Chinese New Year, is about to turn dangerous. They know nothing of each other's existence, but both flee their lives: Jake in search of a place so remote it doesn't appear on any map, and Stella for a destination in Scotland, the significance of which only her sister, Nina, will understand.


Forlag Review

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780755309184

EAN 9780755309184

Omtalt sted Skottland

Språk Engelsk

Sider 373

Utgave 1

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