The decency of inequality

gender, power and social change on the Argentine prairie

av (forfatter).

Universitetsforlaget 1996 Innbundet

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A presentation of the history of immigration and colonization in Argentina in general, and particularly the history of the Friulian immigrants who are the ancestors of the present farmers. The frame of analysis is widened as the author extends her frame of analysis to gender relations within three interrelated "domains" of relationships: sexuality, labour and power, and within different institutional settings, the family, the "street", the market and the Church being the most important. With maps, a bibliography and index.

Omtale fra forlaget

A presentation of the history of immigration and colonization in Argentina in general, and particularly the history of the Friulian immigrants who are the ancestors of the present farmers. The frame of analysis is widened as the author extends her frame of analysis to gender relations within three interrelated "domains" of relationships: sexuality, labour and power, and within different institutional settings, the family, the "street", the market and the Church being the most important. With maps, a bibliography and index.


Forlag Universitetsforlaget

Utgivelsesår 1996

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788200227144

EAN 9788200227144

Serie Oslo studies in social anthropology

Omtalt sted Argentina

Språk Engelsk

Sider 293

Utgave 1

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