The colors of rage and love

a psychotherapeutic process as reflected in the patients drawings

av (forfatter).

Yrkeslitteratur 1996 Heftet

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Marion, the 23 year old patient, suffered from a puerperal psychosis after giving birth to her first child. Psychiatric treatment proved to have no lasting effect and she invariably had relapses. Eventually she was referred to a psychoanalytically oriented psychoterapist. During this therapy she developed a necessity to express herself through drawings which reflected the course of events and crisis on her road to health and happiness. With a bibliograhy. Illustrated.

Omtale fra forlaget

Marion, the 23 year old patient, suffered from a puerperal psychosis after giving birth to her first child. Psychiatric treatment proved to have no lasting effect and she invariably had relapses. Eventually she was referred to a psychoanalytically oriented psychoterapist. During this therapy she developed a necessity to express herself through drawings which reflected the course of events and crisis on her road to health and happiness. With a bibliograhy. Illustrated.


Forlag Yrkeslitteratur

Utgivelsesår 1996

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788258400896

EAN 9788258400896

Språk Engelsk

Sider 272

Utgave 1

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