The color design sourcebook

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2008 Innbundet

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Leading authority Caroline Clifton-Mogg expertly guides the reader through every aspect of using color in the home -- from finding inspiration, through choosing the right shades for walls. furnishings, and accessories, to combining them successfully in both classic and eclectic styles. Elegant photography by Alan Williams features a glorious range of stylish homes. The book also offers advice on using color to create the atmosphere you want or to enhance the shape or size of your room, and it unravels the mysteries of professional color finishes.

Omtale fra forlaget

Leading authority Caroline Clifton-Mogg expertly guides the reader through every aspect of using color in the home -- from finding inspiration, through choosing the right shades for walls. furnishings, and accessories, to combining them successfully in both classic and eclectic styles. Elegant photography by Alan Williams features a glorious range of stylish homes. The book also offers advice on using color to create the atmosphere you want or to enhance the shape or size of your room, and it unravels the mysteries of professional color finishes.


Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781841722252

EAN 9781841722252

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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