The city of falling angels

av (forfatter).

Sceptre 2005 Heftet

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This is a non-fiction book which opens with the flames that destroyed the Fenice opera house in Venice in 1996. Arriving in the city three days after the fire, the author becomes a kind of detective, inquiring into the nature of life in this remarkable museum-city, while gradually revealing the facts about the fire. The book portraits one of the world's most beautiful historic cities and its extraordinary inhabitants with their scandals, corruption and mistresses.

Omtale fra forlaget

This is a non-fiction book which opens with the flames that destroyed the Fenice opera house in Venice in 1996. Arriving in the city three days after the fire, the author becomes a kind of detective, inquiring into the nature of life in this remarkable museum-city, while gradually revealing the facts about the fire. The book portraits one of the world's most beautiful historic cities and its extraordinary inhabitants with their scandals, corruption and mistresses.


Forlag Sceptre

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780340824993

EAN 9780340824993

Omtalt tid 1960-1999

Omtalt sted Italia

Språk Engelsk

Sider 373

Utgave 1

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