The call of Cthulhu and other weird stories

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Penguin 2016 Heftet

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Part of the Penguin Orange Collection, a limited-run series of twelve influential and beloved American classics in a bold series design offering a modern take on the iconic Penguin paperback

For the seventieth anniversary of Penguin Classics, the Penguin Orange Collection celebrates the heritage of Penguin's iconic book design with twelve influential American literary classics representing the breadth and diversity of the Penguin Classics library. These collectible editions are dressed in the iconic orange and white tri-band cover design, first created in 1935, while french flaps, high-quality paper, and striking cover illustrations provide the cutting-edge design treatment that is the signature of Penguin Classics Deluxe Editions today.

The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories

Frequently imitated and widely influential, Howard Phillips Lovecraft reinvented the horror genre in the twentieth century, discarding ghosts and witches and instead envisioning mankind as a tiny outpost of dwindling sanity in a chaotic and malevolent universe. This definitive collection reveals the development of Lovecraft's mesmerizing narrative style and establishes him as a canonical-and visionary-American writer.


Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2016

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780143129455

EAN 9780143129455

Serier Penguin orange collection Penguin classics

Genre Grøssere Klassisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Sider 368

Utgave 1

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