The broom collection & other artefacts from the Wizarding World

from the films of Harry Potter

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Bloomsbury Children's Books 2020 Innbundet

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From the sleek Nimbus 2000 to the speedy Firebolt, flying brooms are a beloved aspect of the Wizarding World. Harry Potter - The Broom Collection is a visual guide to the magical conveyances of the Harry Potter films, their makers, and of course, the characters who use them. Profiles of each broom feature stunning new photography of the original props; statistics; insights from the cast and crew; and other film-making secrets from the Warner Bros. archive. In addition to individual photographic profiles of each broom, this book also includes blueprints and concept art as well as entries on the high-flying game of Quidditch and related props. Delve deep into what makes flying brooms the beloved mode of transportation for witches and wizards everywhere! Destined to be a must-have collectable for fans of Harry Potter, this book also includes a 6-page fold-out.


Forlag Bloomsbury Children's Books

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781526629302

EAN 9781526629302

Språk Engelsk

Sider 145

Utgave 1

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