The book of weird sex

av (forfatter).

Allison and Busby 2004 Heftet

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Everything you ever wanted to know about sexual oddities from around the world and through the centuries can be found in this book. Read about the antics of the Egyptian Pharaoh who was a serial castrator (his collection totalling over 13,240), about the ancient Syrian Queen who "created a multitude of eunuchs" through her jealousy, the paramedic who regularly fattened her dog up with hearty meals of adolescent boy's testicles, and the scissor-happy wife who cut off her husband's penis and threw it out the window, only to have a duck pick it up in its bill and waddle off with it.

Omtale fra forlaget

Everything you ever wanted to know about sexual oddities from around the world and through the centuries can be found in this book. Read about the antics of the Egyptian Pharaoh who was a serial castrator (his collection totalling over 13,240), about the ancient Syrian Queen who "created a multitude of eunuchs" through her jealousy, the paramedic who regularly fattened her dog up with hearty meals of adolescent boy's testicles, and the scissor-happy wife who cut off her husband's penis and threw it out the window, only to have a duck pick it up in its bill and waddle off with it.


Forlag Allison and Busby

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780749083465

EAN 9780749083465

Genre Humor

Språk Engelsk

Sider 169

Utgave 1

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