The big book of art

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2014 Spiral

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This is your first book of art. Grab it, hold it, flip through the pages, turn it upside down...there's no limit to what you can make with it. What can you see? Scribbles and splodges, shapes and letters, signs and lines. Now you're the artist: mix and match the patterns and paintings by simply turning the pages. Use your creativity and your imagination, and most importantly, have fun while finding out what you can create with this book!From the New York Times bestselling author of Press Here comes The Big Book of Art. This interactive book encourages children to mix and match hundreds of colours, shapes and patterns and to use their imagination to create art. It leaves plenty of room for kids to add their own stories and serves as a tool they can use in expressing themselves. Sure to delight children and parents alike, The Big Book of Art will make learning fun and exciting for everyone involved.


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Spiral

ISBN13 9780714863498

EAN 9780714863498

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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