The betrayers

av (forfatter) og Junius Podrug (medforfatter).

Forge 2005 Heftet

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As a child, Nick Cutter survived the war-torn frozen hell of the siege of Leningrad. He also saw his mother starve to death while the bureaucrats ate well. This learns him that there are haves and have-nots in the world, and he starts to battle men who control and exploit the wealth of nations. He builds a business empire, which one day bring him into conflict with the most brutal dictator in the Caibbean - and a struggle for the love and life of the only woman he ever truly loves.

Omtale fra forlaget

As a child, Nick Cutter survived the war-torn frozen hell of the siege of Leningrad. He also saw his mother starve to death while the bureaucrats ate well. This learns him that there are haves and have-nots in the world, and he starts to battle men who control and exploit the wealth of nations. He builds a business empire, which one day bring him into conflict with the most brutal dictator in the Caibbean - and a struggle for the love and life of the only woman he ever truly loves.


Forlag Forge

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780765347213

EAN 9780765347213

Genre Romantikk Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Sider 354

Utgave 1

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