The best of Adam Sharp

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Penguin 2017 Heftet

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The heart warming new novel from Graeme Simsion, the international bestselling author of The Rosie Project and The Rosie EffectCan you define your life by a single song? Adam Sharp - former pianist in a hip Melbourne bar, now a respectable IT consultant in Norwich - can. And it's 'You're Going to Lose that Girl' . . . On the cusp of fifty and a happy introvert, Adam is content. He's the music expert at his local pub-quiz and he and his partner Claire rumble along. Life may not be rock n' roll, but neither is it easy listening. Yet something has always felt off-key. And that's his nostalgia for what might have been, his blazing affair - more than twenty years ago, on the other side of the world - with Angelina Brown, a smart and sexy, strong-willed actress who taught him for the first time, as he played piano and she sang, what it meant to find - and then lose - love. How different might his life be if he hadn't let her walk away?Then, out of nowhere, Angelina gets in touch. Adam has sung about second chances, but does he have the courage to believe in them?The Best of Adam Sharp is about growing old and feeling young, about happy times and sad memories, about staying together and drifting apart, but most of all, it's about how the music we make together creates the soundtrack that shapes our lives.


Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780718179502

EAN 9780718179502

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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