The atlas of secret societies

the truth behind the templars, freemasons and other mysterious sects

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Godsfield Press 2009 Innbundet

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Throughout history secret societies have exerted a powerful hidden influence on our culture, politics and spirituality. This comprehensive book explores quasi-spiritual political movements, revolutionary causes and secret sects from ancient times to the present day. Often underpinned by mystical or religious principles, each society had clear political aims and sought to bring about social, moral and political change. From Chinese Triads to the Knights Templar, and from the Thuggee Cult to the Freemasons, "The Atlas of Secret Societies" explores the motives of each society, their purpose and what we know of their mysterious practices. Lavish artwork reconstructions depict the ancient rites and practices of selected societies, and take you into a fascinating and hidden world.

Omtale fra forlaget

Throughout history secret societies have exerted a powerful hidden influence on our culture, politics and spirituality. This comprehensive book explores quasi-spiritual political movements, revolutionary causes and secret sects from ancient times to the present day. Often underpinned by mystical or religious principles, each society had clear political aims and sought to bring about social, moral and political change. From Chinese Triads to the Knights Templar, and from the Thuggee Cult to the Freemasons, The Atlas of Secret Societies explores the motives of each society, their purpose and what we know of their mysterious practices. Lavish artwork reconstructions depict the ancient rites and practices of selected societies, and take you into a fascinating and hidden world.


Forlag Godsfield Press

Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781841813356

EAN 9781841813356

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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