The ash garden

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Bloomsbury 2002 Heftet

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Emiko Amai was six years old when on 6 august 1945 she survived the first atomic bomb. Her parents were killed, and her younger brother horrifically injured. A decade later she was among the twenty-five scarred Hiroshima maidens brought to the United State for reconstructive surgery. For Anton Böll and his colleagues at Los Alamos , New Mexico, news of the explosion was confirmation of a dream. Böll was a refugee of conscience from Germany, a recruit to Oppenheimer's Manhattan Project who believed the sooner they cracked these nuclear equations, the safer the world would be. The novel explores what happens half a century later, when Anton and Emiko finally stand face-to-face.

Omtale fra forlaget

Emiko Amai was six years old when on 6 august 1945 she survived the first atomic bomb. Her parents were killed, and her younger brother horrifically injured. A decade later she was among the twenty-five scarred Hiroshima maidens brought to the United State for reconstructive surgery. For Anton Böll and his colleagues at Los Alamos , New Mexico, news of the explosion was confirmation of a dream. Böll was a refugee of conscience from Germany, a recruit to Oppenheimer's Manhattan Project who believed the sooner they cracked these nuclear equations, the safer the world would be. The novel explores what happens half a century later, when Anton and Emiko finally stand face-to-face.


Forlag Bloomsbury

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780747558675

EAN 9780747558675

Omtalt sted Japan Veststatene

Språk Engelsk

Sider 281

Utgave 1

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