The art of war

complete texts and commentaries

av (forfatter) og Anthony Tucker-Jones (redaktør).

Bloomsbury 2019 Innbundet

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A new illustrated edition of Sun Tzu's classic ancient Chinese meditation on military strategy and human psychology, with a new commentary that highlight its continued relevance for modern readers.Poetic and immensely readable, The Art of War was written 2,500 years ago and the military manual is still relevant today. A fascinating historical document that sheds light on ancient warfare, it is also a profound meditation on human psychology, interrogating the subjects of leadership, self-discipline and self-awareness. This new edition of the classic work is specially designed for modern readers. It includes an insightful introduction to the historical and philosophical context, and is accompanied by explanation and analysis of how Sun Tzu's lessons have been applied in some of the world's most famous battles. Renowned strategists from Field Marshal Montgomery to General Schwarzkopf have cited the book as an inspiration. The ancient text, attributed to Sun Tzu, is divided into 13 chapters that provide a logical and strategic approach to conflict and competition. Each focuses on a different aspect of warfare, including the importance of planning, managing your forces, decision-making, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, the art of deception and understanding the power of information. This edition, featuring more than 28 evocative photographs, offers a new perspective on a classic work and enables new generations to discover The Art of War and find new applications for the wisdom of Sun Tzu.


Forlag Bloomsbury

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781912392117

EAN 9781912392117

Omtalt tid Oldtiden

Omtalt sted Kina

Språk Engelsk

Sider 176

Utgave 1

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