The art of counselling

av (forfatter).

Souvenir Press 2005 Heftet

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This is a guide for all who work in professions where counselling is a key part of their work: for doctors who often need to counsel the bereaved and discuss intimate subjects with their patients; for lawyers who advise clients in difficult situations; social workers and the clergy whose work is largely spent helping those in distress; and senior management staff looking to relate productively with their staff.

Omtale fra forlaget

This is a guide for all who work in professions where counselling is a key part of their work: for doctors who often need to counsel the bereaved and discuss intimate subjects with their patients; for lawyers who advise clients in difficult situations; social workers and the clergy whose work is largely spent helping those in distress; and senior management staff looking to relate productively with their staff.


Forlag Souvenir Press

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780285650992

EAN 9780285650992

Serie Human horizons series

Språk Engelsk

Sider 191

Utgave 1

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