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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

Searching for his long-lost father, Bransen Garibond is tricked into journeying across the Gulf of Corona to the wild lands of Vanguard, where he is pressed into service in a desperate war against the brutal Ancient Badden. On a lake just below Badden's magical ice castle, several disparate societies - dwarves, monks and barbarians - are caught up in the web of their own conflicts, and thus oblivious to his devastating plan to destroy them by releasing a tidal wave to wipe their island clean. Bransen finds himself becoming the link between these turmoils, and if he fails, all who live on the lake will perish - and all of northern Honce willl fall under the shadow of a merciless and vengeful oppressor.

Omtale fra forlaget

Searching for his long-lost father, Bransen Garibond is tricked into journeying across the Gulf of Corona to the wild lands of Vanguard, where he is pressed into service in a desperate war against the brutal Ancient Badden. On a lake just below Badden's magical ice castle, several disparate societies dwarves, monks and barbarians - are caught up in the web of their own conflicts, and thus oblivious to his devastating plan to destroy them by releasing a tidal wave to wipe their island clean. Bransen finds himself becoming the link between these turmoils, and if he fails, all who live on the lake will perish and all of northern Honce willl fall under the shadow of a merciless and vengeful oppressor.


Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330458450

EAN 9780330458450

Genre Fantastisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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