The affairs of Chip Harrison

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No Exit Press 2001 Heftet

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No score: Chip seeks to make something of himself and lose his virginity. Hoping to win over the beautiful Francine, Chip Harrison is astonished when an attempt is made on his life, an event that places him at the forefront of a fast-paced investigation. Chip Harrison scores again: Young, broke, and girlless, Chip finds himself on an adventure in South Carolina after stumbling upon a discarded bus ticket. But with Chip's predilection for being where he shouldn't, it's deja vu all over again. Make out with murder: Chip must solve the suspicious, untimely deaths of three sisters, one of whom stole his heart. Now he must cozy up to the remaining two. The topless tulip caper: Chip finds himself at a Times Square Club waiting for his latest client, a stripper, to finish a night's work. When she completes her set, she introduces him to her roommate, a dancer who's targeted for murder, and killed in the club right before their very eyes!

Omtale fra forlaget

No score: Chip seeks to make something of himself and lose his virginity. Hoping to win over the beautiful Francine, Chip Harrison is astonished when an attempt is made on his life, an event that places him at the forefront of a fast-paced investigation. Chip Harrison scores again: Young, broke, and girlless, Chip finds himself on an adventure in South Carolina after stumbling upon a discarded bus ticket. But with Chip's predilection for being where he shouldn't, it's deja vu all over again. Make out with murder: Chip must solve the suspicious, untimely deaths of three sisters, one of whom stole his heart. Now he must cozy up to the remaining two. The topless tulip caper: Chip finds himself at a Times Square Club waiting for his latest client, a stripper, to finish a night's work. When she completes her set, she introduces him to her roommate, a dancer who's targeted for murder, and killed in the club right before their very eyes!


Forlag No Exit Press

Utgivelsesår 2001

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781842430378

EAN 9781842430378

Genre Politi og detektiver Krim

Språk Engelsk

Sider 640

Utgave 1

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