The A-Z of 21st century cars

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2011 Innbundet

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The first years of the twenty-first century brought many changes and challenges for the automobile industry, from the development of environmentally responsible vehicles to the consolidation of numerous small companies as part of major manufacturing groups. Written by auto expert Tony Lewin and featuring over 1500 stunning photographs, this superb encyclopedia is the most comprehensive guide available to the international automobile industry of the last decade. The book explores some 150 of the most significant models, highlighting their performance, stylistic features and innovations. In addition, the guide includes entries on manufacturers around the world, covering many more production and concept cars past and present, as well as entries on the industry's most influential designers. Informative profiles are enhanced throughout by technical specifications, company histories, chronologies of principal models and designer biographies. The result is an essential source of reference that no one interested in motoring can afford to be without.


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781858945255

EAN 9781858945255

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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