That extra half an inch

av (forfatter).

Penguin 2006 Innbundet

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I've always loved fashion. When I was at school, I carried my books in a Gucci shopping bag my friend's mum gave me. Victoria on...Skinny jeans. The problem with skinny jeans is if you wear them with flat shoes, like flip flops or trainers, is you end up looking like a golf club Bras. I hate those silly lacy bras with all those bits poking out beneath your top. You end up looking like you have four breasts. Shoes Some wedges are great but you can look like your feet are encased in cement. Packed with realistic and practical advice as well as photos and illustrations, Victoria will share her top tips on how to look fabulous whether you have GBP20 to spend in Topshop or GBP2000 to spend in Gucci, as well as personal anecdotes from the fashion world. This book will be the definitive girl's guide to looking and feeling the best that you can.

Omtale fra forlaget

I've always loved fashion. When I was at school, I carried my books in a Gucci shopping bag my friend's mum gave me. Victoria on...Skinny jeans. The problem with skinny jeans is if you wear them with flat shoes, like flip flops or trainers, is you end up looking like a golf club Bras. I hate those silly lacy bras with all those bits poking out beneath your top. You end up looking like you have four breasts. Shoes Some wedges are great but you can look like your feet are encased in cement. Packed with realistic and practical advice as well as photos and illustrations, Victoria will share her top tips on how to look fabulous whether you have GBP20 to spend in Topshop or GBP2000 to spend in Gucci, as well as personal anecdotes from the fashion world. This book will be the definitive girl's guide to looking and feeling the best that you can.


Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780718149918

EAN 9780718149918

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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