Terence Conran's complete house and garden design projects

over 45 projects and hundreds of ideas for making the most of your home - inside and out

av (forfatter), John McGowan (redaktør), Roger DuBern (redaktør), Hugh Johnson (illustratør) og Nadia Mackenzie (illustratør).

Conran Octopus 2004 Innbundet

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The information in this book will enable you to build everything from a complete kitchen to a striking summer house. The book is divided into two sections: design projects for interior rooms, and garden projects for outdoor spaces. Each part is introduced by a selection of inspiring photographs, followed by unique projects to create. Illustrated step-by-step instructions and a self contained tools and materials checklist will help you to create the projects with ease.

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The information in this book will enable you to build everything from a complete kitchen to a striking summer house. The book is divided into two sections: design projects for interior rooms, and garden projects for outdoor spaces. Each part is introduced by a selection of inspiring photographs, followed by unique projects to create. Illustrated step-by-step instructions and a self contained tools and materials checklist will help you to create the projects with ease.


Forlag Conran Octopus

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781840911640

EAN 9781840911640

Språk Engelsk

Sider 405

Utgave 1

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