Sustainability strategies in the oil and gas industry

av (forfatter), Annik Magerholm Fet (forfatter) og Arne Winther (illustratør).

Norwegian Petroleum Academy 2016 Innbundet

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The purpose of this book is to provide insight into various aspects of land based petroleum activities from the exploration, drilling and field development through to the production and transportation, and finally the termination and restoration of a field. The book points approaches and practices used through the different life cycle phases of a field to
reduce the environmental and social impacts of activities. These include environmental, HSE and risk management systems, life cycle planning, and the use of standards and indicators to communicate impacts. In addition, a few examples of available technologies are presented.

The book is divided into three main sections:
Section 1. The oil industry and sustainability challenges
Section 2. Overview of environmental and social aspects and potential impacts during the life cycle of an oil field;
Section 3. Impacts on regulations, management systems and communication.


Forlag Norwegian Petroleum Academy

Utgivelsesår 2016

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788231500643

EAN 9788231500643

Språk Engelsk

Sider 318

Utgave 1

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