Strategies to overcome challenges in academic supervision

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Information is Power 2023 Heftet

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Increasingly, supervising research students in higher education has become a complex business. Cooperation with supervisors has been a stumbling block for many students hindering them from acquiring their learning goals. Scholarly literature has demonstrated that the success of higher education students depends on supervisors' competencies in the field and supervision. At the same time, the structure and practices in supervision pedagogy vary depending on the institution's resources. Usually, students in most universities obtain at least two supervisors to support them in their learning journey, mostly individually. The main tasks of supervisors are to inform the individual students of their project requirements and resources available and accessible for their learning.
Often, it is assumed that students are competent in formulating strategies to attain their learning goals in collaboration with their supervisors. Thus, students receive no adequate guidance to understand how to collaborate with their supervisors and other learning agencies. The deficit of knowledge about supervision has been one of the causes of student attrition in higher education, and is a significant problem facing universities worldwide. The challenge has no respect for university resources or the structure of a degree, but for all.
Even though failure in supervision is the primary cause of the student attrition problem, little has been done to inform students and other stakeholders of the changes in higher education learning, the strategies to facilitate supervision pedagogy and eliminate obstacles. Therefore, the book desires to fill the knowledge gap by discussing academic supervision challenges to help those unfamiliar gain knowledge that can help them comprehend the situation for better supervision. The author demonstrates the significance of acknowledging supervision pedagogy which focuses on each student's ability as a resource and utilizes it to enhance cooperation between student


Forlag Information is Power

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788299867290

EAN 9788299867290

Språk Engelsk

Sider 212

Utgave 1

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