Strategies and the creation of values in construction & civil engineering

and a deep dive into the percentage of completion method

av (forfatter) og John Peter Alstad (illustratør).

Alstad Rådgivning og forlag . 2024 Slide bound

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Why is the Construction and Civil Engineering Company evolving as it is? What challenges does it face? What challenges and opportunities arise from the company's participation in tender competitions? What creates competitiveness? How should you analyze the financial statements of contractors and what uncertainties exist? What are the operational and financial risks in the Construction and Civil Engineering industry? How do you build a budget in project-related enterprises? How do you measure and monitor profitability in projects under execution? Why do contractors go bankrupt, and what can they do to avoid it? This book provides good answers to these and other questions related to the management and leadership of Construction and Civil Engineering companies.

Strategies and the creation of values in Construction and Civil Engineering" contains important topics within the industry from a management perspective, based on the authors comprehensive experience as Chairman or member of the board, CEO and CFO in large and medium sized construction companies. The author has also experience from various positions in banking, in particular as responsible for the banks Special engagements - customer relationships with elevated risk or default and as a Special Advisor within working capital.

Important topics adressed in the book are in particular Liquidity, Profitability, Operation and Financial risks, Economy and Accounting with a deep dive into the "Percentage of Completion Method", Budgeting, Resource Allocations and Bankruptcies in Construction and Civil Engineering.

The book is suited for all owners, Board members, CEO's, CFO's and Project managers in the Construction, but also highly relevant for other stakeholders, such as Accountants or Business Advisors in banks with entreprenurs in their customer portfolio.


Forlag Alstad Rådgivning og forlag .

Utgivelsesår 2024

Format Slide bound

ISBN13 9788269356717

EAN 9788269356717

Språk Engelsk

Sider 337

Utgave 1

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