Sticky history of the world

Laurence King 2018 Heftet

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Learn about the history of the world, stickering this inventive new format as you learn! Sticky History of the World includes a large-format, eight-page sticker booklet and an intricately illustrated, eight-panel fold-out card carousel. Each of the panels of the carousel is based upon an era of the history of the world, from the Big Bang and the age of the dinosaurs, via the Romans and the Egyptians, right up to the modern age, and even into the future. Use the stickers to decorate the panels and to create your own incredible picture of the world!


Forlag Laurence King

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781786270375

EAN 9781786270375

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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