Stick this book


av (redaktør) og Richard Curtis (redaktør).

2015 Heftet

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CHANGE THE WORLD WHEN YOU BUY THIS BOOKThink of Stick This Book as the humanitarian's Wreck This Journal - a book for those who want to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice and fix climate change, but don't know where to start.Stick This Book is your way of getting your voice heard. The world's first post-it note book is a call-to-action to make the #globalgoals - women's rights, ending world hunger and championing renewable resources - famous. The changes we need to make aren't unimaginable but they do require everyone to make some noise. The more famous the #globalgoals are the more politicians will take them seriously, finance them properly, refer to them frequently and feel the pressure to make them work.Stick This Book asks readers to use their creativity and get involved: tear it up, stick it to the walls and share it with your friends. Find the Post-It Ninja Within and:Be the first generation to end extreme povertyBe the most determined generation to fight inequality & injusticeBe the last generation to be threatened by climate changeCHANGE THE WORLD ONE POST-IT NOTE AT A TIME


Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781405921992

EAN 9781405921992

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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