
photographing the final frontier

from Apollo to Hubble

av (forfatter).

David & Charles 2005 Innbundet

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Photographs of space have always been fascinating and extraordinary and never more so than now that space telescopes such as Hubble are bringing us strange and beautiful images of unimaginably distant regions of the universe, even almost to the beginning of time. Spacecam celebrates the unique perspective of cameras freed from the confines of the earth; looking back at our own colourful planet and the patterns made by coastlines, river deltas and weather patterns, the activity in our own backyard of satellites and space shuttles, exploring the solar system with stunning pictures of our nearest neighbours, and of course the cosmic ballet of deep space. Utilizing amazing photographs from spaceships and stations, satellites, space telescopes, probes and planetary rovers, Spacecam will bring together the beautiful, the pioneering and the scientifically astounding, looking at our own tiny and fragile world, around us at our neighbours, and out into deep space.

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Photographs of space have always been fascinating and extraordinary and never more so than now that space telescopes such as Hubble are bringing us strange and beautiful images of unimaginably distant regions of the universe, even almost to the beginning of time. Spacecam celebrates the unique perspective of cameras freed from the confines of the earth; looking back at our own colourful planet and the patterns made by coastlines, river deltas and weather patterns, the activity in our own backyard of satellites and space shuttles, exploring the solar system with stunning pictures of our nearest neighbours, and of course the cosmic ballet of deep space. Utilizing amazing photographs from spaceships and stations, satellites, space telescopes, probes and planetary rovers, Spacecam will bring together the beautiful, the pioneering and the scientifically astounding, looking at our own tiny and fragile world, around us at our neighbours, and out into deep space.


Forlag David & Charles

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780715321645

EAN 9780715321645

Språk Engelsk

Sider 253

Utgave 1

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